

Okay, hold onto your heart.  If you have a furry little friend that you love as a member of your family, you have got to see the movie Hachi: A Dog's Tale.  Kevin and I just watched it, and I was a crying mess.  It is the sweetest, saddest movie ever, depicting a beautiful story about a man and his ever so loyal dog.  It is actually based on a true story that took place in Japan, which makes it even more powerful.

If you know me, you know I absolutely adore my little Chai, and have loved the sweet relationship we have had for almost 6 years.  He has been with me through some crazy amazing times, and brings my heart great joy on a daily basis.  There is nothing like the loyalty of a dog that's your very own.

So grab a box of tissues, gather the family, cuddle up with your own faithful furry friend, and check out this flick.  Two other bonuses: it's rated G and it's at the Redbox!

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