
33 Years

Today is my mom and dad's 33rd wedding anniversary.  33 years ago today, exactly 23 days after my husband was born, God united my parents as one.  I am so very thankful for the family He created that day, and for the family that my parents raised.  They raised us to know, love, and follow God with our whole hearts, and to grasp how very deeply He loves us.  I have two awesome brothers who I am blessed to call friends, and we always enjoy when we are able to spend time together.  It all started when our family was established on this day, February 26, 1977.  So thank you mom and dad for raising a family centered around God, and teaching us how to enjoy one another, live fully, dream big, and laugh a lot!  Thank you for being committed to one another and committed to our family for all these years.  It has been quite a journey...and we look forward to many more memories to come.  We are blessed to be your children and it's a privilege to call you our parents.  We love you so much!
Happy Anniversary!!!

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